5 Tips to prep for SHRM-CP Exam

By Kathy Nguyen

I know that many candidates are looking to take the SHRM-CP and it can be very expensive to prepare. Here are my tips and tricks to help you with preparing for your SHRM-CP exam without taking a structured course.

  1. SHRM-Learning system can be expensive. Find a used-set of learning system within the past 2-3 years, and the knowledge is not much difference. In general, HR practices have stayed consistent in the past 5 – 7 years and if you’re actively working in HR, you don’t need the newest materials.
  2. Smart study tools: Use flash-cards, audio recording, post-its to enhancing your learning capabilities.
  3. Customize your learning plan: Depending on your learning styles, you can modify the technology using your smartphone and computer to create the best studying strategy – visual or audio, etc.
  4. Don’t depend on only 1 resource: The best advice I received prior to preparing for my self-learning prep is to use multiple resources to broaden my knowledge.
  5. Have a deadline for yourself: it is easy to lose track of your studying. Use a  tracker, calendar to note your studying progress and have a deadline for yourself on when you need to complete each chapter.

Hope these tips help your self-studying prep! I used them and passed the exam without spending tons of money. In the end, you want to make sure your investment worthy, so study smarter with a budget.

Good luck!

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