HR Exam concept: Motivation Theories

By Kathy Nguyen

Maslow- The Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow develops his model to explain how people meet their needs through work.

•Physical needs: Basic needs such as food to eat, water to drink, place to live – People are motivated to fulfil the fundamental needs.

•Safety needs: People are motivated to be safe from physical or emotional harm.

•Social needs: People are motivated to belong to a group or community, to acquire a sense of acceptance.

•Esteem needs: People strive for recognition. 

•Self-actualization needs: When all the basic needs are met, people strive to fulfill a higher potential.

Herzberg-Motivation/Hygiene theory

His theory focuses on what makes people happy and unhappy about the job. In the conclusion, the significance of the task in a job is increased to provide challenging work and growth opportunities.

McGregor- X/Y Theory

There are two management approaches based on this theory.

1.X- Management thinks that the employees are lazy and interested, do not want job responsibility and are interested in job security

2.Y- Management thinks that the employees are given the opportunity they will work to seek out challenging work and more responsibility, and more like to involve others in the decision making the process.

ERG Theory

Identified 3 levels of needs

1.Existence: Basic needs to survive such as a place to stay, food to eat, water to drink.

2.Relatedness: Human needs to connect and to increase social esteem from the relationship with others. 3.Growth: The needs to have personal growth

McClelland- Acquired needs theory

“Acquired needs theory” identifies 3 areas that people are motivated to acquire.

1.Achievement: Motivation to achieve goals by themselves

2.Affiliation: Motivation to affiliate with others, to form acceptance in a social circle

3.Power: Motivation to acquire personal and institutional power

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